This Is How You Give Yourself Permission

Have you ever felt fear to make a decision or take action? Worried about how others may perceive you? Wanting to do something but feel you don’t have what it takes? Giving yourself permission to do what you want, dream, or desire has so many barriers that need breaking. Most of the barriers are within…

Why Taking Up Space is Unapologetic

The person who always thought about other people and their feelings. The person that’ll move over to an uncomfortable spot so someone else can be comfortable. The person who would try to express themselves but somehow was interrupted in the midst of my climax of a story. The person who’ll say “I’m sorry” for nothing…

How to Explore Your Passion With a 9-5

Have you ever sat at your work desk imagining what you can be doing outside of the four walls? Going incognito on Google Chrome instead of working on your assigned tasks?  I’m there. As I’m sitting here writing this, I see my co-workers passing by and I’m wondering; is this their passion? I really want…

How to Shop for Hair Products the Right Way

Ready, Set, No! Hold on. Before you open that email and see a flood of discounts and secret promo codes from your favorite hair companies this Black Friday and Cyber Monday, let’s get informed. There are so many offers out there, you don’t want to rush and buy. Yes, you are risking the chance of…

How to Be Goal-Focused In a Society of Distractions

We all have the countdown of the new year coming into our heads. We’re thinking about these last couple months and wondering why the goals we set for ourselves at the beginning of this year have not been accomplished. Excuses start coming now. “I’ve been so busy”, “I can’t take on another task right now”,…

Quarter Life Crisis: Don’t Freak Out Yet

I always wanted to know where other people were in life when they were 25. I use to compare my life to theirs.  I thought I was behind on everything. From moving out of the nest to starting the career I had a passion for. I probably even pressured the people around me to do my…